Sunday 5 August 2007

Moors and Christians

We attended the Moors and Christians processions in the neighbouring village of Benicolet this week. We have Mark and Steph, together with their sons James and Sam from Norfolk staying with us and thought it would be a good opportunity to see some of the local celebrations.

The amazing thing about this part of Spain, which we constantly refer to as “Real Spain” is that these village events and many others like them are not set up for tourists to see – these are just what go on as part of remembering the past and tradition, this is real life in real Spain – you have to experience it to feel the “el ambiente”, the atmosphere, for yourself. In the meantime some photos should give a taster…..


Paul said...

That looks fabulous, wish we'd stayed another week now! Could you decide whether or not to run with the bulls, or did you end up sitting on the fence.....!?!?!?

neilmac said...

Hi Paul, sitting on the fence seemed the best idea at the time - let us know when you would like to come back to visit....always a pleasure to have you guys here :-)