Wednesday 25 July 2007

Exploring an old railway track

Cheryl and Paul, together with their daughters Holly and Dayle, from the UK are staying with us this week and whilst enjoying a vegetarian paella on our roof terrace last night decided to venture out on our popular excursion to explore an old disused railway track.

So with cold drinks on board we set off this morning to show them this amazing place. The railway was constructed by British engineers in Victorian times and was dismantled in the 1960s. The track follows the winding River Serpis from Villalonga to Llorcha, a distance of about 15kms. The scenery along its route is STUNNING!

We carefully picked our way along the track in our 4x4 wondering at the views in every direction. At several points we stopped to look more closely at the surroundings and took a break to cool off at the river's edge.

At one point the track is interrupted by the absence of a bridge to cross the river so we had to negotiate a rough track down to the river to cross it by a derelict hydro-electric station, before climbing the other side to rejoin the route of the track. Crossing old arched bridges and travelling through tunnels along the way.

At the end of the track we were rewarded with the incredible view of a ruined castle precariously perched high on a hill at LLorcha.

Then it was, via a scenic mountain road and lunch in Castello de Rugat, back to our house in Montichelvo to relax and swim in the community swimming pool before attending an open air band concert in the evening. "Real Spain" is an amazing place!

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